10 Week Course // Tuesdays, 10am-12:30pm // Cost: £225 (includes pattern) + fabrics // Level: Pure Beginner // Cassandra Macindoe, Stitchery Founder // Pattern Selection Guide
Making your own clothes is about learning to BE YOURSELF. Choose your own fabric; fit it to your own unique body; express your own unique style. If you're tired of wearing low quality, ill-fitting and generic hi-street clothing, then this course is your opportunity to break from the herd.

Led by Cassandra Macindoe, this is a 10 week, in-depth introduction to making your own clothing. The course is intended to equip you with a comprehensive set of basic skills that you can develop and apply to a range of clothing types. Learn how to use a sewing machine, work with paper patterns, and understand different fabrics. Practice basic techniques on small samples, then apply them to constructing a 'toile' (a prototype garment). Finally, make your own unique garment from our pattern selection in a fabric of your choice.
Skill Level & The Studio
This is a Pure Beginner level course, which means it's suitable for absolute beginners, or anyone with limited experience who wants to firm up the basics. Our studio has a sewing machine available for each student; although you can bring your own if you like. And don't worry if you might miss one or two classes: we've plenty of opportunities to catch up through our Sunday Sewing Sessions, machine rental, or private tuition.
- A basic set of sewing skills; a basic understanding of how to make clothes; and the confidence to go on and try more.
- An item of clothing made by you, to fit your body and in the fabric and style of your choice.
- A sample book, made by you and full of the techniques you've learned as part of the course. Use this for future reference.
- A Making Clothes for Beginners e-book for future reference.
Choosing Your Pattern
When you come to book, you'll be asked to select the garment you would like to make during this course. Take a look at our Pattern Selection Guide to help you decide. If you're not sure, just get in touch to discuss it with us.
Booking Your Place
To book your place on this course, please use our online booking system below. You can pay a deposit or, if you prefer, pay the full course amount. Please familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions before making your booking.
You can pay by PayPal or any major debit/credit card. NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to make a booking. Simply click on the link which says "pay with a debit or credit card". It looks like this.
Sewing Kits
When you come to book your place online, you'll be given the opportunity to add a Stitchery Sewing Kit to your basket. These are also available to order from our studio or the Student Resource section at a later date.
The kits include everything you'll need in terms of basic tools. And it's important to know that we've chosen only high quality sewing products. Many of the kits available on the market contain low quality products, that don't last, and actually don't work all that well either. But all of the products in this kit come recommended by us, and are of good quality. Each kit includes:
- 21cm Soft Grip Fabric Scissors, by Fiskars
- Baby Bow embroider scissors, by Merchant & Mills
- Glassheaded Pins x 100, by Merchant & Mills
- Finest Sewing Needs x 25, by Merchant & Mills
- Seam Ripper, by Merchant & Mills
- Tape Measure, by Merchant & Mills
- Sewing Gauge, by Merchant & Mills
- Fabric Marking Pencils, by Clover
- A tool wallet with zip closure
- Optional - Makers Workbook for £10 extra (RRP £12.50)
Each kit is £45, or £55 with the inclusion of the Makers Workbook. This is a handy journal, specifically designed for jotting down important information about your sewing projects.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions please have a look at our FAQs page. We also recommend reading the relevant page on our Student Resource Page, where you can find useful insights on the course structure and what supplies you'll need to bring to class (Note: If you don't see your course info up yet, don't panic, we'll have it up with enough time to get your supplies together before the course starts).
If you don't find your answer in either of these places, then please feel free to contact us.